Querying & Filtering Data
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Rezonate has advanced query builder capabilities that allow filtering and sorting for all of the data that is being collected from different integrated platforms. This capability is supported across the entire product through the filters & search boxes that are placed above any table.
For example, if we are looking for all of the enabled user accounts with global admin directory roles who were active in the last week, we can write something like this:
The Query builder has many operators that can be used, below is a detailed list of them and their purpose:
starts with
Search for any text that starts with a specific text. (Insensitive)
Find all users whose name starts with Or (Will result in Ori, Oran, etc..)
Search for any text that contains a specific text (Insensitive)
Find all users whose name contains Or (Will result in Ori, Oran, Lior, etc..)
not contains
Search for any text that not contains a specific pattern
Find all users whose names do not contain ABC.
Search for any equal text (case-sensitive) to a specific text
Find all users with a first name equal to Ori.
not equals
Search for any text that is not equal (case-sensitive) to a specific text
Find all users with first names not equal to Ori.
Search for dates that occurred within the selected relative date.
Find all users whose last login was within the last week.
Search for dates that occurred before the selected relative date.
Find all users whose last login was before the last week.
Search for dates that occurred before the selected date
Find all users whose last login was before 1/1/2024
Search for dates that occurred after the selected date
Find all users whose last login was after 1/1/2024
Pro Tip! - When saving searches in the query catalog, its always preferred to use relative date operators such as last or before-last.
Find a matching value for the boolean
Find all users with enabled account. (Enabled is true)
Bigger Than
Find records with a number bigger than the searched input
Find all users with age>10
Smaller Than
Find records with a number smaller than the searched input
Find all users with age<10
Find records with a number equal to a selected input
Find all users with age=10
Not Equals
Find records with a number not equal to a selected input
Find all users with age!=10
When combining multiple filters on the same field, the resulting query term would apply AND criteria between them. this means that when searching for Name contains "Ori" and Name contains "Levy" the compiled search would be
Although the regular behavior, when combining multiple Equals filters on the same field, Rezonate will compile them with OR Operator. this means that when searching for Name equals "Ori", and Name equals "Ron" the compiled search would be