Oracle NetSuite Integration

Integrating NetSuite expands Rezonate authorization graph visibility as well as the ability to monitor security controls for SSO-Access, Identity posture status, and more.

Integration Steps

First, we will need to create a new custom role, to do that please follow the following steps as a NetSuite administrator:

  1. On the admin page, navigate to Setup > Users/Roles > Manage Roles > New.

  1. Name the role “Rezonate Integration Role”.

  2. In the permissions section, assign the following:

    1. Lists: Departments - View

    2. Lists: Employee Record - View

    3. Lists: Employees - View

    4. Lists: Events - View

    5. Reports: Account Detail - View

    6. Setup: Set Up OpenID Connect (OIDC) Single Sign-On - Full

    7. Setup: Set Up OpenID Single Sign-on - Full

    8. Setup: Set Up SAML Single Sign-on - Full

    9. Setup: Two-Factor Authentication Base - View

    10. Setup: View Login Audit Trail - View

    11. Setup: View Web Services Logs - View

    12. Reports: SuiteAnalytics Connect - Read All - View

  3. Save the role record.

Now we will need to create an integration and assign it to the role that was created:

  1. On the admin page, navigate to Setup > Integration > New.

  2. Name the application “Rezonate Integration”.

  3. Set the state to Enabled.

  4. In the Authentication section, configure the following:

  5. The application requires access to:

    1. REST Web Services

    2. SuiteAnalytics Connect

  6. After saving, take note of the ClientID and Client Secret, we will need them later.

Creating a new OAuth Client Credentials

Now that we have the integration and role, we will need to assign a certificate and enable the OAuth M2M Authentication flow.

  1. On the admin page, navigate to Setup > Integration > Manage Authentication > OAuth 2.0 Client Credentials (M2M) Setup.

  1. Click on Create new.

  1. Configure the following:

    1. Application - Rezonate Integration (the new integration record from section 2)

    2. Role - Rezonate Role (the new role from Section 1)

    3. Entity - Choose the entity in your organization that is responsible for this integration

  2. Upload the following certificate -

  3. auth-cert.pem

Thats it!

Please share back with Rezonate the following information:

  • ClientID + ClientSecret as noted from the previous stage.

  • Organization ID (required) - NetSuite account ID (company identifier). The company parameter is a NetSuite-specific parameter. Extract only the company ID from

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